If you're a UK taxpayer, you can make your charitable donations go further by signing up to Gift Aid.
As a UK registered charity, Gift Aid allows us to claim on your charitable donations. Administered by the Inland Revenue, this government scheme makes your donations worth more as for every £1 you donate we are able to claim 25p from the Government. We can also claim on all of your previous donations to us up to the last 4 years, making your giving much more effective.
To be eligible for Gift Aid, you must be a UK tax payer, paying tax on income or capital gains. Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times what you have paid in tax in that tax year (6 April to 5 April). If you are a higher or additional rate tax payer, you can claim further tax relief on your donation through your Self Assessment tax return or by asking the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to amend your tax code.
Gift Aid costs you nothing. To opt in, all you have to do is complete our Gift Aid Declaration form and send it back to us via email development@everymanplayhouse.com, or by post:
Development team
Liverpool Everyman & Playhouse theatres
5-11 Hope Street
L1 9BH
Already signed up to Gift Aid with another charity?
You’ll still need to send a form to us as Gift Aid’s rules stipulate that you must give a declaration to each charity you want to donate to.
If you move house or have any changes in tax status after signing up, please remember to let us know. You can email Development, call 0151 706 9124 or write to us at the above address.